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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] re: Do-All-Be-Everything... AND Aftertouch

From: angelphkt@...
Date: 2000-07-03

yah, i found it increadibly wierd that it is only 4 notes polyphony and it
really pisses me off :-(....i'm not really into racks, but i think you might
have to have an extension on it, i can't remmeber, but i think it was about
3/4 the size of a rack...but then again, it maybe full size....

aftertouch just makes your stuff sounds more realistic's
like having the texture of weighted's usually pretty much standard
on most synths that you don't buy from your local convenient store...

i tend to use the aftertouch for mostly my ambient shit....and noize
stuff.....but the classical guys also dig it too, i guess its just a matter
of if you like it or not....i guess it can be a pain in the ass, but more
often times i dont think it is.....
