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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] re: Do-All-Be-Everything... AND Aftertouch

From: Phil <accession@...>
Date: 2000-07-03

Re: [AN1x-list] re: Do-All-Be-Everything... AND Aftertouch Hi Ash,

hmmm, just 4 notes on the "MS2000" only - pretty strange, isn't it? I think the retro-styling makes up for it (well, sort of) - assuming you've got the room. How does the "R"ackmount version compare? Is it of true rack-width, or does it require special extension rack-ears (in similar fashion to the baby Novation Nova).

Also, with regards to "Aftertouch",

What do you apply it to? I've never used it for any of my AN1x patches and have only found it awkward when playing other sounds from other modules. In particular, when it was controlling pitch (by default), but also when set-up to tweak a filter for example. I find it difficult when trying to play the keyboard normally - and then only hit the keys that little bit harder to activate the aftertouch mode when I want to.

Is it the keyboard-feel that adds to this problem? I was at a shop pressing keys on a Waldorph synth and noticed a definate 'click' as the aftertouch is activated. Is this better?

When I was first shopping around, I thought "Aftertouch" GREAT! But in practice i'm finding it to be more trouble than it's worth.

Have you got any ideas or tips?

Many thanks,


From: angelphkt@...
Date: Sun, 2 Jul 2000 22:28:06 EDT
Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] re: Do-All-Be-Everything-Module-Thingy

im definetely getting the Korg MS2000, the only thing that REALLY sucks about
it is, it's only 4 notes polyphony, and no aftertouch!  which i think is
pretty absurd, but still, it's an increadibly sounding/amazing
synth...especially for the price :-)


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