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Subject: Re: [AN1x] Re: AN1Xedit on XP?

From: Bruce Wahler <bruce@...>
Date: 2003-05-01

Hi Jon,

>> On the other side of things, after I send an All Dump Request to my
>QSR or BX3, all I have to do is sit there and let it vent until I see
>no more data. I don't even really have to know how big the data dump
>is, as long as I wait a long time. That's what I wish the AN1x did;
>I'm sure that it would have made Gary's life easier when he was
>Ok, so this is an ease of use thing - you simply want to be able to
>initiate the Bulk Dump remotely rather than from the AN1x front panel
>AND the USB 'issue' compounds the problem for you. I get it now.

Well, it is and it isn't about ease-of-use. When I'm saving patches off in Cakewalk, it's strictly an ease-of-use thing and frankly, I don't mind going to the AN1x and initiating a bulk dump.

In an editor/librarian, however, it's a bit more. What kind of editor can't load in your current set of patches before starting a session, right? In the case of the AN1x, it means that someone writing an editor has to create the ILLUSION of a bulk dump request, because no such command exists. That's where the fun begins, and in the case of some Win2K (and maybe WinXP) setups, it doesn't seem to work as well as it might, resulting in occasional hangs. If, however, the AN1x had a bulk dump command, we wouldn't even be having this conversation!


Bruce Wahler
Ashby Solutions™
978.386.7389 voice/fax