> One is, I mentioned here before about this, that it was a real
eye opener for me to play with EQ with my guitar in the mix. I got
the guitar (in the song at my site called "shot in the dark" at
http://home.online.no/~jacker ) to where I wanted it while adjusting
EQ and all on my effects pedal while playing little riffs in the mix.
My main point is, I wasn't soloing it, but adjusting a little,
playing, adjusting, playing.... The guitar in that solo, I got
exactly the guitar sound I was after. Mixed it down and was mostly
done with the song. Some months later I was listening to the mix
again, and for the first time I accidentally solo'ed the guitar
solo...I heard it alone, not in the mix. MAAN....what a terrible
sounding guitar that was. I assumed I had picked some take or other
that I had not used, but found out that that terrible screeching
guitar, when I brought up the rest of the mix suddenly sounded sweet
and just right. Sat there and played with it and played with it, and
it was amazing, without being in the mix, it just sounded thin and
broke up all the time, bring up the mix and it sounded like butter!
So how you want to set it really depends on if you are going to
feature the one instrument sound or if it will be playing with other
instruments. I am thinking about making a small MP3 of that guitar
soloed and letting people hear the difference, it is that drastic.
Jim - I would like to hear that before and after mp3. Thanks.