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Subject: Re: [AN1x] re: copyright

From: Bruce Wahler <bruce@...>
Date: 2003-04-15

Hi Peter,

>In the past, I've come up with several methods how to spoof the sealed
>envelope routine, and I believe that this evidence would be thrown out
>even before it made into the courtroom. In fact, most of the time I can't
>read the date stamp on an envelope.
>Now, if your attorney friend has jurisprudence of court cases where this
>was indeed accepted as evidence, we can conclude that it'll work in the
>US. For other countries, and even the US, there's no harm in using a
>notary. If you can afford a court battle, surely you must be able to
>afford a notary.

I don't disagree with your suggestion of using a notary; it's a good one. My only point was that you initially said something like, "Oh boy, here we go again with that Internet legend about mailing a song to yourself," and I was pointing out that if it is indeed a legend, then its roots are not necessarily from the Internet. I received this advice several years ago, long before the Internet was intertwined in our daily lives.


Bruce Wahler
Ashby Solutions™
978.386.7389 voice/fax