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Subject: Re: [AN1x] Re: PLG150-AN questions

From: "Patrik \"Rydan\" Rydberg" <rydan@...>
Date: 2003-04-08

> > 1. The board's user memories are volatile so I have to backup
> and
> > reload them using the software editor. But when gigging, I
> cannot rely
> > on having a computer around. What data-storage gear would
> you guys
> > recommend for live performance with the PLG150-AN?
> >
> Yamaha makes a MIDI Data Filer (MDF3) for this purpose. From

You can dump the sounds to a plg-bank on the smartcard of the PLG host and
name it autold-someting (it's in the manual) to have the host auto-reload
the bank to the PLG board memory at startup. (takes a while though...)


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