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Subject: Re: upgrade ROM

From: "Jon" <jondl_2000@...>
Date: 2003-04-07

--- In, "dross303" <dross303@y...>
> I bought my an1x second-hand about 2 years ago.
> I have no problems with this beast!

If you're satisifed with the performance of your AN!x then there is
no need to upgrade.

> But i read about upgrading the ROM.
> How can i see which version is running at my unit?

Hold the keys '0', '-', and '+' while powering on the AN1. The OS
version will display following the welcome messages. Be aware
that you have now entered 'test mode' and this is undocumented
in the user reference manuals - I couldn't tell you what may/may
not happen if you decide to play around with the setting while in
test mode.

> What is the latest version?

The last AN1x OS update was v1.04 which had some minor bug
fixes. There are some support docs on the update in the Files
section for this mailing list at Yahoo! Groups I ∗think∗ someone
even uploaded some JPEGs from the interior of the AN1x.

It's been awhile since the OS update has been discussed on list
- I'm uncertain what fee's, if any, apply to the update EPROM from
Yamaha. I would recommend you inquire of YCA from the web site. It usually takes 24 hours for
them to get back to you. Be aware that their policies may differ in
the CONUS from the ROTW

