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Subject: RE: [AN1x-list] is $530 a good deal for an AN1x than CS2X?

From: "Sama" <SAMA_@...>
Date: 2000-06-28

what you got to keep in mind is that aN i "AN1x" stands for "analog",
wich means that synth allows you to programm your sounds, from
the basic algorithm (ie: frequencie) to the shape it has (LFOs,A-D-S-R and
much more..)
Yamaha managed to bring a good tool, with a totally assignable front pannel
for realtime
As the original vintage synth ( from Mr Moog's to the Bassliner ) the An1x
have an enormous polyphony capability, but allows two different sounds
"only" to be
played at the same time.
The CS2x is the little brother of the cS1x..It is not the same kind of gear
at all..
It is a numeric synth (same kindas the bigger) wich means the
sounds are
in that case, waveforms (Aka "XG"set)provided by the manufacturer.
The cs2x has 779XG voices and 30drum kits. so it is more likely to be use
as an
What differences between that two kind of hardware?
it depends on what you want to do; most of musicians would tell you that
they own
an analog synth and a numeric one..It's up to you to decide what you want
to start with.
Or if it is polyphony and multitimbral ability that is your main
problem, watch for
the new Alesis A6, but it won't be at the same price..
Well, that's in brief what I can tell you, you'll certainly have other
answers of
the same kind.
I hope these informations helps you out.
