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Subject: Re: [AN1x] New sounds posted on the files section

From: "Bjorn Standal" <standal2000@...>
Date: 2003-02-21

Hi there Eagle. Tested out your patches, and I liked your version of Jump!, especially the left hand. It doesn't quite match the patch on the Trinity in power, but the AN patch actually sounds more like the original :-) The other VH related stuff also was pretty neat.

Other patches (like you said) were tweaked factory presets, but since it's been some time my AN sported the factory sets, I honestly couldn't tell which patches was your tweaking or which was the original (you mentioned you haven't renamed all your patches), but that's my problem now, isn't it? Anyway, correct name or not, if I like what I hear, I'll use it. Hope you don't mind :-)

Had some trouble uploading the patches to the AN1x. It crashed on me several times, so I had to take smaller chunks of patches at the time to eliminate "working" ones, but I failed to locate the "trouble-maker". Strange. This haven't been a problem before. Anyone else?

Thanks again for sharing your patches with the rest of us!

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