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Subject: Re: An200 questions

From: "marcogardengreen <marcoyyz@...>" <marcoyyz@...>
Date: 2003-02-19

Hallo Jon,
hallo everybody.

>> >The SysEx ID header for the AN1x is completey different from that
>> >of the AN200. The AN200 will NOT accept the .MID transfer
>> >regardless of what application you use to dump from PC ->
>> >AN200. As a workaround, I would suggest the following:
>> Well... Don't ask me why but it worked.
>> I had a .all backup of an1x voices. (Cubase song).
>> I played it back and all the voices were loaded on the An200!!!
>> ANyway thanks for your proposal to upload my sounds on the
>> directory and to let someone to convert it for me.
>That's great for you! What's a .all file? I'm not familiar with

.all is the file formata for Cubase VST songs.
What I did should not be so different from importing the .mid voice
backup to any sequencer and let it play...

>I'm really surprised the Base Address ID for the AN1x worked for
>the AN200 - live and learn.

>The FreeEG allows you to record, i.e., automate, paremter
>adjustments for playback in real time. For example, you could
>record adjustments to parameters such as Fliter Cutoff, VCO
>Edge, VCF Attack and VCA Release so that they were saved as
>part of the Voice and playback automatically upon a note on
>event. Very cool.
>The Feedback parameter take the signal output from the
>Mixer->Filter->VCA and 'feeds' it back into the signal chain from
>the Mixer - therefore creating a 'fatter' sound - good for leads and

Interesting. I will try step by step seing how it works on
the sounds...

>> >I'd advise using An1xEdit for all editing..
>> Well... I think that with An1xEdit you can't upload voices from
>> An200 to the editor itself. Is it right ? In this case I will have
>> use
>> the An200 editor that (I guess) should be able to...
>Actually, I think you might be able to if AN1xEdit is in PLG150AN
>Mode - found under the Setup menu.

I set the PLG150 mode the "request" button is disabled!!!
