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Subject: Re: [AN1x] BAD NEWS

From: elektro dan <elektro_dan@...>
Date: 2003-02-14

i guess we can forget about sw1000xg, plg boards "OPT"
support for cubase!

we must protest this!

if they discontinue the sw1000xg we must demand that
they replace it with a sw2000xg!

they can't leave is hanging like this!

how can we make an on-line petition?

elektro dan.

--- DMANX@... wrote:
> I went to the sounds expo in London and heard some
> bad news from yamaha and Kenton about the future of
> the sw1000xg and Kenton plugstation.
> The sw has now been dicontinued, and there are no
> plans for a replacement, as things are going more
> towards the Motiff products. The kenton plugstation
> is being discontinued due to lack of demand, there
> for the motiff will be the host device but with
> limitations of having only 2 cards.
> Hmmmm must be the bad economy.
> Regards
> Dmanx.
> --------------------
> talk21 your FREE portable and private address on the
> net at


Toronto, Canada

email> elektro_dan@...

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