--- In
AN1x-list@yahoogroups.com, "Scott Bradley"
<s.m.bradley@d...> wrote:
> Hi
> I can't seem to find GENETIX for the An1x could a member of
the list please email it to me or send me a valid URL.
> Thanks
> Scott
You'll find a copy for download within the Windows directoy of the
Files section here at Yahoo! Groups
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AN1x-list/files It's also available
for download from the Yamaha PLG150AN 'site
http://www.xgfactory.com/downloads/plg150an/genetix.zipI think Charles-Emmanuel De Reus is still on this list but his
homepage seems to be down. I ∗thought∗ there was a
subsequent release more current than v0.1a but I may be