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Subject: RE: [AN1x-list] AN1x vs. PLG150-AN

From: "Gary Gregson" <gary@...>
Date: 2000-06-17

Hi Mark,

The major addition to AN for the PLG150AN is the introduction of the VCO
cross modulation algorithm and new oscillator wave forms.

The down side is:

That the An1x second Scene is not available on PLG150AN. This will not
affect most AN1x voices, as it is common for only a single Scene to be used
(the second scene providing a variation for morphing or accompaniment). Note
that Scene morphing can be replicated by creating two AN1x voices from the
original voice, each containing one of the original scenes in Scene 1.
Thereafter store these as two separate voices on the PLG150AN and use the
program scene morph feature of the PLG150AN device.

Layer/Split Modes - the PLG150AN only supports Single and Unison mode.

Effects - The PLG150AN only provides AMP SIM variation effect and EQ. If the
original AN1x effects are important to the voice they must be recreated
using the effects unit of the host device (e.g. CS6x, SW1000XG, MU100,
MU128, S80 etc).

Hence in general the PLG150AN does sound pretty much identical to the AN1x
(so long as the above restrictions do not affect the voice). Using An1xEdit
it is possible to intelligently transfer voices between the AN1x and
PLG150AN. For more information see the An1xEdit help file sections
"AN1x/PLG150AN Overview" and "File Types and Voice Data".



> -----Original Message-----
> From: mark@... [mailto:mark@...]
> Sent: 17 June 2000 04:24
> To:
> Subject: [AN1x-list] AN1x vs. PLG150-AN
> Please forgive me if this topic has been discussed previously but I
> scanned the archives and found few references.
> I was reading about the PLG150-AN at XG Factory and noticed the
> following statement:
> "There was always something about the Prophet 5 that made it sound
> wonderful. Maybe it was the filters, maybe the oscillators, and maybe
> the overall design. Whatever it was, it inspired Yamaha to develop
> the PLG150ANX, based around our acclaimed AN1x synth technology, but
> revoiced and re-tweaked to give you as close as we can get to the
> original sound of what many people call the best analogue synth ever
> made."
> Can someone explain the difference between these two products in
> terms of overall sound quality? Does the PLG150-AN really sound all
> that different than the AN1x?
> Thanks,
> Mark
> AN1x owner