Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list

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Subject: Re: [AN1x] User Equipment List

From: "jake" <jake@...>
Date: 2003-01-21

I usually just lurk on this list but...

Korg Mono/Poly
Korg Microkorg
roland spd-11 drum pads
roland tr505
oxygen 8
k-sound controller

2.4ghz P4 laptop,512mb ram, 40gig internal HD, 30gig USB 2.0 external hard drive
m-audio quattro
reason 2.0
ableton live 1.5

acustic instruments
tama drum kit
violin and cello(in the mail...NAMM purchase)
Didgeridoo(in the mail...another NAMM purchase)

For people that use the microkorg, are there any list out there for this instrument. Also does anyone know if it is possible to set up a patch to have the mod wheel control the speed of LFO1. Then the speed of LFO1 will control the cross modulation of OSC1 which is set up in the control 2 setting of the OSC1 group. Also does anyone know if you can control the other settings on the microkorg with external midi controllers.
