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Subject: re: emulating mellotrons

From: "spaceanimals <alciere@...>" <alciere@...>
Date: 2003-01-15

You can but a brand new Mellotron at for a mere
$5,000. They were most famous for the flute (think Strawberry Fields
Forever) the choir, and the strings. The Moody Blues used them a lot.
Chamberlains are a lot like a Mellotron.

The old Vintage Keys module had nice Mellotron samples.For string
samples, you can take almost any patch, go to the amplitude envelope
section, turn the attack up to about 40, the sustain and release all
the way up and voilla. Give the patch some cheesy reverb (I like
plate reverb). Use the layer button to layer scene 1 and 2, and give
it a little detune. The AN1X actually has a few nice string section
patches that only need a little tweaking.

I layer my Mellotron string samples with my AN1x string sounds. For
extreme tackiness, layer the obnoxious Mellotron female choir ooohs
with the strings.

It's also fun to build a pretty string patch and set the free eg so
that the tuning, feedback, and ring modulation start building up
gradually so this pretty patch dissolves into a mass of cacophony

Rainbow Jimmy