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Subject: Re: [AN1x] Emulating mellotron and string machine with AN1x?

From: "rich_1297 <rich_1297@...>" <rich_1297@...>
Date: 2003-01-15

Actually a Mellotron has one piece of tape per key. They weren't
endless, but only ran 7-8 seconds. There were three tracks per tape
so the heads could be shifted to provide different sounds. The whole
tape frame could be lifted out and replaced to change "banks". Crude,
but effective.

An emulation is now available for VST. It is tough to synth, because
it is a sampler.

rich (an old guy!)

--- In, Peter Korsten <peterk@m...>
> A Mellotron has little endless tape loops with the sound recorded on
> them. Depending on the key you press, they get played faster or slower,
> thus affecting pitch.
> So the best way to emulate a Mellotron is with a sampler, because the
> Mellotron can be considered as an analogue sample player.
> - Peter
> --
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