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Subject: Glissando/Portamento

From: "nuvalerium <alan@...>" <alan@...>
Date: 2003-01-06

Been a Numan fan since day one so love those fantastic glissando's /
Portamento's produced by the Polymoog/ARP Soloist etc etc. The 'Vox
Humana' preset on the Polymoog along with the effects Mr Numan used
is still the best Analogue Synth sound in the world and impossible
to recreate.

Anyways, I digress (dreaming of getting my hands on THAT sound)

The AN1x does produce a good Portamento but I have found it tricky
to use effectively, especially live. Is it possible to assign the
ribbon controller to Portamento so that a slide of the finger does
the job? If so, I would appreciate a quick 'lesson' on how to do it.

Ideally, I like to use the ribbon controller as a cut off, so the
absolute ideal solution is a foot controller that can be assigned to
the Portamento. Does anyone know if this is possible and if so, can
you please advise the best foot controller to buy?

Thanks in advance. May I take this opportunity to wish you all a
happy and peaceful New Year, full of love and happiness.
