Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list

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Subject: Re: Recent AN1x-list susbscriptions

From: "ratbatblue1 <ratbatblue@...>" <ratbatblue@...>
Date: 2003-01-05

--- In, "Jon <jondl_2000@y...>"
<jondl_2000@y...> wrote:

> This begs the questions: who are you (PLG150 vs. AN200 vs.
> AN1x users?)

My name is Mike and I'm an AN1x user (feel like I'm at an AA

> and what are you looking to get from your
> experience on AN1x-list (tech support, user voices,
> news/gossip?)

I've got a bunch of info from this list. Before I bought it off
Ebay, I read what you all had to say, asked a couple of questions,
got some good answers and have been a proud owner for a couple of
months. I've downloaded some kickass patches and am still learning a
lot about programming the blue beast. Anyways it's now replaced my
Alpha Juno 2 as my main synth, next to my CX-3 of course, and am
using it in just about every song we do. Normally I just lurk around
but I just had to say thumbs up to all of you who contribute and
those who make this list possible.

Rock on!