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Subject: Re: [AN1x] an200 v's an150 test

From: DMANX@...
Date: 2003-01-04

Glad to here you share similar views Mark.But dose it mean that an150 users can get JUST THE AN200 box only, and add the existing card?...And cheap? I got an offer from thr turkey shop in london for the complete kit for £190.

> I just wanted to add, to dispel any "myths" in past discussion, the AN200
>really IS a PLG150AN in a box. I was bored the other night, so I took the
>bottom off, and there it was - the PLG150AN card mounted nicely right under
>the cover. It's identical to the PLG card I have. I wasn't daring enough to
>detach it and plug it into my CS6x, but it would definitely work.
>Your assessment does seem correct, the units are identical with the
>exception of morph/scene control and the factory "sounds" and sequences.
>I prefer the knobby interface of the AN200, FAR easier to edit and create,
>without having to use a computer, or deal with the limited parameters and
>display of the "host" synth.
>On 1/3/03 11:56 AM, "DMANX@..." <DMANX@...> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have spent the whole day messing around with the AN/DX200 desktop synths.The
> DX200 sounds much better,excellent user seq voices. The AN200 can do
> everything th AN150 can do and a little more e.g krap techno drum seq, krap
> effects and good varible morph/scene 1-2 control,better factory sound/user
> voices,real time knob control.But the voices can be used on the an150 if
> somone is prepared to up load them.The drums and effects are very basic well
> not to cool.You can use up to 4 voices, by coping scene1 to 2, then create an
> new voice for scene 1this is is all played back as a step sequence.Then on top
> of that you can play normally via a another selected voice on your midi
> However,My conclusion is that, the drums and effects are not worth it,its just
> a cheep techno groove box for DJ'S,but the morph/scene control is good.If you
> use an150 with reaktor drums/seq+VST effects you get better standard and
> quality.It just lacks scene control and better morphing?And access to AN200
> sound banks?
> I would like to here from anyone else whom have tested this units.
> Regards Dmanx
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