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Subject: Re: [AN1x] PLG150AN...uses host-filter?

From: Peter Korsten <peterk@...>
Date: 2002-12-19

tompaulsen2002 heeft geschreven:
> Hey, Yamaha will release in Spring 2003 the MOTIF rack with optional
> 2 plg-slots. My question...does the PLG150AN uses the host (in this
> case MOTIF) filter? Or does it bring the old AN1x filter with it. If
> so, i rather get a EX5r, since the EX5 AN synthesis engine are
> supposed to be better (so Peter Korsten say...).
> What do you think? Can someone shine some light on this, please?

The filter is part of the synthesis algorithm, so that is the same
across all of Yamaha's AN range (AN1x, EX series, PLG150AN, AN200). Only
the PLG150AN and the AN200 have cross-modulation, which the AN1x and the
EX series lack.

What the EX series have better is the effects section, and arguably the
analogue electronics. But the EX5(r) is only duophonic if it comes to
AN, and the EX7 is monophonic. I love my EX5, but for AN sounds I use my

- Peter