Do you ever use the "Init?" function to select from the program
'templates'? Select a Voice you want to overwrite; type 1-3-0 and hit
the YES/ENTER button; reply Y to the subsequent prompt; use the keypad
to select from the 8 choices - Strings is equated to number 4; hit ENTER
and you have a template for starting a String Patch. Remember that
changes are not permanent until you Save the edited Voice. The template
is really 'vanilla' but a good kick off point.
Phil's email is right on the money! A very good tutorial on programming
a String Sound from scratch. You won't go wrong using his note in
combination with the Init functions. Personally, I find the templates a
real time saver. Try using the Brass template as a kick off point and
adjust the ADSRs and VCOs for a different kind of String Feel - or the
PWM template. These are my favorites shot cuts.
Once you've got your sounds together don't forget to exploit the Control
Matrix features. Try any or all of the following:
Route AT to VCO2 Level - this will allow you to use key pressure to
introduce a different set of harmonics
Route Vel to AEG Attack - this will allow you to control the VCA attack
time with key velocity
Route MW to LFO1 Speed - this will allow you to control the LFO1 rate
with the MOD Wheel. Remember the Depth amount is programmable - it does
not have to be a 1:1 ratio (I love that!)
These are just some suggestions - the possibilities are endless. The
Control Matrix is a tremendous feature of the AN1x. Very easy to use.
Yamaha really did design a good, sensible subtractive synth engine. All
the basics are covered.
Hope this helps - definitely try and use Phil's note a kick-off point!
mango wrote:
> Can anyone tell me what string sounds are made of?
> Waveform? ADSR filter & amp setting? kind of modulations needed?
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