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Subject: Re: [AN1x] Wakeman Minimoog Sounds

From: Linda Dachtyl <lindaleed@...>
Date: 2002-12-14

on 12/14/02 4:03 PM, Jerry Aiyathurai <tuskerfort@...> at
tuskerfort@... wrote:

I have tried a sine or triangular type wave (or square wave with lots of
frequencies filtered out) coupled 2 octaves apart with portamento to taste.

Sounds like the record!


> Anyone enough of a Wakeman fan to have worked out his "other" sounds.
> There's a decent version of this trumpet like (saw wave) tone in the
> archives. But I was thinking of the sizzly pulse wave type leads.
> Like the one in the intro to And You And I.
> Any Advice?
> Jerry