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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list]

From: tomfinegan@...
Date: 2000-06-09

--- In, "Sama" <SAMA_@C...> wrote:
> I just can't make AN1xEdit to output MIDI commands out of my
> computer,wich is, you may uderstand, a bit thwarting ...
> so I 've tried to put a new soundcard on my old 133PC,to replace
> the MPU401 MIDI port that I had..
Hm, what is wrong with that MPU401? It should work together with the
AN1x-edit. Did you choose it as the MIDI-out in the setup of AN1x-
edit? (I guess you installed it correctly, didn´t you ;)
With the SB AWE it´s the same...

> But maybe the problem is from my motherboard,MatsonicMS6260S,

Well, could be...

Au revoir, Tom