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Subject: Re: [AN1x] Local on/off sounds different?

From: "trapstate" <trapstate@...>
Date: 2002-11-13

--- In AN1x-list@y..., Bruce Wahler <bruce@a...> wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> >I use my An1x together with a hardware sequencer, the Yamaha
> >When I use the An1x as a midi controller in local-off mode I do
> >get the same sounds as I get in Local-on mode.
> >
> >AFAIK my sequencer doesn't filter any MIDI messages. Could it be
> >some effects/setting are only used in the Global mode? Is there a
> >to change this so my An1x sounds the same in local-off as it does
> >local-on?
> I think what is happening is that your sequencer is set to echo the
notes that come in. That way, when you press a note in Local On, you
actually get TWO identical notes, one from the keyboard, and one from
the sequencer. Try going into the sequencer and changing the "MIDI
echo" or "local echo" command (or something similar) to off.
> Alternatively, you could always use Local Off with the sequencer.
> Regards,
> -BW

Thanks Bruce,

This was my first thought to, but my sequencer is already set to REC
Monitor. And if I use the An1x with local-on and the sequencer
switched off it still has a nicer sound.

My sequencer also has a miniature midi keyboard, when I play the An1x
from that keyboard the sound is not as thick. So whenever the An1x
receives midi notes the sound is different as in local mode.

Could this have someting to do with An1x chorus/reverb/effect
settings? Or maybe the poly? are they bypassed when receiving Midi?
