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Subject: Re: [AN1x] Newest An1x user on the net 270902

From: Phil <accession@...>
Date: 2002-10-03

G,day Stuart,

As I wrote:
> If you haven't already, head to the files area of this group's home page and
> download the AN1x Edit editor and hundreds, er, make that thousands of patches
> that the users on this list have created.

Go here:

Look in the link marked "Files" where you'll find folders labeled
"Macintosh" and "Windows" where you'll find "AN1x Edit".

It's a graphical interface for programming the synth from the computer over
MIDI. It also lets you import the numerous patch banks (in another folder
marked "AN1x Voices") and send them to your synth.

Be sure your synth is connected via MIDI both ways (IN-->OUT, OUT-->IN) and
the destinations set appropriately in AN1x Edit.

If you're still stuck, please post back. By the way, my mum has since
retired to Perth, where you originally emigrated to from England, before
coming to Sydney in the late 60s.)

(Sydney, Australia)

> From: Stuart Liljeqvist <stu_burger@...>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2002 14:45:14 +0100 (BST)
> To:
> Subject: Re: [AN1x] Newest An1x user on the net 270902
> Cheers for the reply.
> I am in Perth and am new to music production and am aware of the learning
> curve although cant wait to be able to do something meaningful as soon as
> possble. How does one load the downloaded patches to the keyboard.
> Are they just trigerred via midi from the hard drive are they?
> Stuart