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Subject: Re: knobs of effects

From: "Jon" <jondl_2000@...>
Date: 2002-09-24

--- In AN1x-list@y..., "Ed Edwards" <edward.edwards@v...>

> >Unfortunately the Ctrl Matrix permits the PEG Depth value to
> >set only to Direct. While this clearly is not a show stopper, IMO
> >defeats the point of having a scalable value to begin with!
> [[Wildly flailing arms in windmill fashion and hopping about...]]
> I TOLD you that this synth has some STRANGE behaviors.
> [[Thoughtfully pulling at chin...]]
> Maybe instead of yelling, I should ask Jon if he would start a
file folder of
> known "bugs, quirks, and seemingly odd" behaviors.

Yeah, not a bad idea. Maybe we should just add a HTML doc to
the Tips & Tricks directory -or not?

If you whip out your handy dandy AN1x Data List and turn to Page
10 you'll see the PEG Depth parm (amongst others both of us
have complained about) are restricted to 'mul' (for multiply) as
opposed to 'add' - the desired behavior. Clearly this is an
intentional design limitation but without explanation it appears to
be arbitrary and unnecessary.

Another weird thing - while working on my E Piano and E Organ
voice banks I couldn't for the life of me recreate the Ribbon
Controller bug?!? Go figure...

So that's two that would make it into the bug list. What else? How
about using a foot pedal to stop/start the Arp/Seq - have to be in
Mode 2 for that trick.

We know about the old audible popping and clicking defect and
how to reconnect a non-responisve Ribbon Controller. We know
about the large SysEx dump size, etc.

What we also need are the EX5 v. AN1x comparison and th
PLG150/AN v. AN1x comparison tables. I've put up some HTML
from the PLG150 spec's in the files section but that about it.

