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Subject: [AN1x] Re: knobs

From: "Jon" <jondl_2000@...>
Date: 2002-09-10

--- In AN1x-list@y..., "James R. Acker" <jacker@o...> wrote:
> Ecellent! Great advice, and I am going to try it out...
> Could you give a couple of concrete examples for aftertouch
settings you
> have used?

Jerry's Pitch Bend -> Ribbon Controller tip is a good one!

In regards to AT, you might try assigning Fmod Depth or Amod
Depth for a start. It's might be easier to cotrol if you set the Depth
parameter in the Ctrl Matrix to a value other than dirct.

Another idea is to assign VCOx Level to AT bring in some
overtones on the second Oscillator.
