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Subject: [AN1x] Re: knobs

From: "tuskermusic" <tuskerfort@...>
Date: 2002-09-09

> Excellent idea that I simply check out other peoples patches, which
> wouldn't have the patience for if I didn't have the AN1X-Edit.

For what it's worth heres what I use on leads and bass (and the

- Ribbon X ...... +- 3 pitch bend

I really prefer the ribbon to the wheel cause you can do trills and
morph from bends to vibrato

- Pitch wheel ..... +- 12 pitch bend

Pretty much for dive bombs and swoop-ups. Also extends the range of
the keyboard in a pinch

- Ribbon Z ..... a patch dependent modulation that is usually
attack based. Could be a pitch envelope thing or a filter cutoff
thing or a sync sweep thing.

- Mod wheel .... LFO modulation of pitch with concurrent mod of LFO
speed up to where the sidebands come in.

- Knob 5 .... Filter cutoff or something similar that helps me
generall adjust the brightness of the patch so it sits in the mix.

- Knob 6 ... Resonance if applicable

- Knob 7 .... Delay return

- Knob 8 ..... Reverb return

- Knobs 1-4 ..... depends on the patch. Often not used. If used it's
something either envelope based (mimicking the VCA and VCF envelope
controls) Or something completely unique.

- Foot pedal ..... is either routed to modulation to control patch
morphs or to volume.

- Aftertouch .... is something that adds expressiveness to the
sustaining sound like a little filter cutoff, or filter modulation by
LFO, or a slight increase in osc sync pitch or a combination of all

