--- In
AN1x-list@egroups.com, "Jason Perry" <jason@f...> wrote:
> Awesome - I can't wait to hear it :) Another thing that I've seen
> was for people to identify what patches were during the creation of
> songs.
I admit, if ppl have to promote than at least they should give us a
hint what patches they used on their AN1x. But Damian (your real
name? Or did you watch Southpark too much? ∗G∗) is so far the only
one, who returned to the list...so to hell with all the dotcom-
But, Damian, i am sorry, but i am not getting up at 6am (German time)
to listen to your music. Is it possible to look in an archive though
and to listen to your music later?
Cheers, Tom