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Subject: Re: {OT}An200-Dx-200 editor

From: "broken_symmetry0" <tmail@...>
Date: 2002-08-21

I'm also running Win 98 SE with an Oasis card. My system (P3 933 -
Oasis + SB Live) has been stable. I have the AN200 & DX200(but no CD
for the DX200). I installed XG Lite from the AN200 CD then the plugin
(but not the update). I've only used the editor twice but there has
been no problem with it or any other programs since I installed it.
Wish I could offer a solution.
I also have an AN1x that I was planning to sell after I got the AN200
but I can't part with it. I don't know yet how easily patches convert
from one to the other, but I'm going to try running the same (or
similar) patch on both with subtle variations and try morphing
between the two.