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>In a message dated 23/7/02 5:04:01 pm, jacker@... writes:
>>I am not putting you down for using it, but honestly wondered if there
>>certain areas where it is all you can reasonably get? I don't understand
>>putting up with the interface and the crap they give.
>I understand totally- Most of the time I bypass AOL altogether and go
>straight for Internet Explorer, but here in England- unlike USA (which a lot
>of you folks out there don't realise), the internet is really, REALLY
>EXPENSIVE!! and AOL was the cheapest at the time (£15 per month- for my
>girlfriend anyway- let alone me!- a possible option is BTInternet but all
>these copanies are doing their upmost best to rip us off immensely just to
>get on to broadband- I'm not really bothered with BB because if I need a
>speedy transfer, I'll do it from work. (I'm still on a really old 33kbd modem
>Well I couldn't get Ask Jeeves just a minuite ago- solid proof that AOL have
>the market clinched in this country- its now 5:20pm and the line is slowgo
>all the way- those pesky kids!!
>Any English suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
>Tom :-)
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