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Subject: Re: [AN1x] -- an1x also --/ the curse of America Online!

From: Reggie <reggie@...>
Date: 2002-07-24

Actually I think you'll find that mostly it's BT at the bottom of all
the UK Telecom woes!! And as for BroadBand, it's the same story, BT own
the Network, so all ISPs buy from them! They have the monopoly and are
trying to screw every last penny out of the market. But that is slowly
changing, OFTEL are pushing them towards certain measures, and They lost
a court case recently (Against companies who want to put their own
equipment in exchanges and hook into the local loop).

As for the price rip-off, well, it's coming down, £25 a month for 64KB/s
down/32KB/s up on my ISP (Demon).

In article <3c.21a2fd81.2a6edce3@...>, terryfunken@... writes
>In a message dated 23/7/02 5:04:01 pm, jacker@... writes:
>>I am not putting you down for using it, but honestly wondered if there
>>certain areas where it is all you can reasonably get? I don't understand
>>putting up with the interface and the crap they give.
>I understand totally- Most of the time I bypass AOL altogether and go
>straight for Internet Explorer, but here in England- unlike USA (which a lot
>of you folks out there don't realise), the internet is really, REALLY
>EXPENSIVE!! and AOL was the cheapest at the time (£15 per month- for my
>girlfriend anyway- let alone me!- a possible option is BTInternet but all
>these copanies are doing their upmost best to rip us off immensely just to
>get on to broadband- I'm not really bothered with BB because if I need a
>speedy transfer, I'll do it from work. (I'm still on a really old 33kbd modem
>Well I couldn't get Ask Jeeves just a minuite ago- solid proof that AOL have
>the market clinched in this country- its now 5:20pm and the line is slowgo
>all the way- those pesky kids!!
>Any English suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
>Tom :-)
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