the battery is low on my AN1X does it means I only loose
the memory of edited patch after turn off
or there is more serious things happening when is low ?
in typical Murphy's law it happened as soon as I close
the AN1x (and its damm 33 screws ) after along time
of testing I gave up my idea of putting 2 pots and a switch on the case
to replicate the 2 foot pedal and the sustain sw
I admit I didn't have much patient and time but a plain soldering
on the 3 contact of pedals and sw didn't work (
and it was a pain to disassemble the all AN1X
i have seen better synth-inside :-)
.. more news www.dopepfer.de has finally a nice template for AN1X
for my drehbank 64 knobs to edit sound on bank 1 and 64 to edit
sequences on bank 2.. cool .. .!
and ... the VCS3 ohhh ahhhh yummm
one of the wonder of all time !
not to forget also Klaus Schultze as great user !!
http://www.ems-synthi.demon.co.uk/still make them )
link page at
http://www.sonicstate.com/synth/_inc/manlinks.cfm?manid=14one day .. maybe i will squeeze one :-)
Andrea TONI VCO1 \ | |
Science Operation and Data VCO2-->--VCF--->VCA-->DUCATI 996
Systems Division (SCI-SD) VCO3 / | |
Andrea.Toni@... web: www.rssd.esa.int