Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list
Subject: [AN1x-list] Factory Reset Instructions
From: Phil <accession@...>
Date: 2000-06-06
Oh, and for a AN1x Factory Reset (for those who don't have the manuel),
a. Turn OFF the Power.
b. Hold buttons "7", "8", "9" down on the numeric keypad as you turn the
power back ON.
c. The display should read "Fact Set? [1-9]"
Now, you can enter a [NUMBER] corresponding to one of the following:
[1] load voices 1-64
[2] load voices 65-128
[3] load all 128 voices
[4] load all voices sorted by voice category
[5] load user patterns 1-64
[6] load user pattern 65-128
[7] load all user patterns
[8] load system data
[9] loads all voices, user patterns, and system data.
d. Press [+] (YES/ENTER) to confirm.
Good Luck,
Merry Music Making,