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Subject: Re: [AN1x] Song post

From: terryfunken@...
Date: 2002-07-05

In a message dated 5/7/02 9:06:26 am, terryfunken@... writes:

>I'd recommend a book by a guy I can't remeber the name of, called, "Musical
>Applications of Microprocessors"- this is the bible of all things electronic
>and musical.
err...Hal Chaimberlain- that was his name (hmm any relation to the
Chaimberlain Mellotron perhaps?)- I kept thinking Hal Roach- hmmm no that
can't be right....."Jee what's up Doc?" hahahahahaha! No honestly it's an
excellent book and includes in high detail Analogue and Digital synthesis-
including Physical Modelling.- This guy was a genius- as the book was written
in 1978.- If you can't afford the price, most Libraries seem to own at least
one copy in the reference centres- well they do here in Birmingham anyway!
