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Subject: Re: [AN1x] Song post

From: terryfunken@...
Date: 2002-07-05

In a message dated 4/7/02 7:09:10 pm, luc.fonteyn@... writes:

>How about the books from ?

>I haven't read it but it looks promising though;
Sorry to barge in on your conversation- but I've always found the wizoo books
a bit uninspiring- I too was taken in by the lovely graphics on the cover-
only to be let down by the content- although the particular wizoo book (which
shall remain nameless) was a fun read.

I'd recommend a book by a guy I can't remeber the name of, called, "Musical
Applications of Microprocessors"- this is the bible of all things electronic
and musical.
Over than that, if you can still find them, early books by Dave Crombie (-
who now works for Emu/ Ensoniq Systems.)- These were all fine publications.

Tom :-)