How about the books from ?
They have a title 'Analog Synthesis' by Reinhard Schmitz (The Newbie Guide to Synthesizers and Sound-Design) This book explains essential terms such oscillators, filters and envelopes. You will learn how to analyze synthesizer sounds, modify them and create your own. Audio CD with sound examples included.
I haven't read it but it looks promising though;
Dear Friends,
Please take a listen to \"Ant Stranded\": - a single take bungee jump into Silicon
Jazz. (There may be some snaps and pops in the recording due to hardware
problems. Eliminating these noises is the next expense in my musical quests.)
Allow me to wish those from America a safe and inspirational Independence Day.
To everyone everywhere, may the peace and security of Truth be with you.
Ed Edwards
Leader: Ezekiel's Wheel ����Retro-Progressive Rock������.���.���.���.���.���.���.���.���.���.���.���.���.���.���.���.���.��
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