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Subject: Re: [AN1x] environmental question.... sort of

From: Phil <accession@...>
Date: 2002-07-02

Hi Jacob,

> The an1x saves patches to its internal memory, right? And there are
> only 128 slots, right?

Yes, you're correct. The AN1x features 128 user
programs/patches/presets/slots. They are all contained in a single bank.
Some synths, make that most synths feature lots of banks, with each bank
containing 128 patches.

N.B. A patch doesn't contain any sound waveforms as such, well not like
you'd save audio waveforms in your sampler for example, rather each patch
contains the AN1x parameter setup to create a sound.

> What about the an1x,
> are the 128 slots enough, to save custom made patches? (for
> a "general user")

Depends how many sounds you use. You'll find most people use "AN1x Edit"
(the computer visual editor for the AN1x) for patch library management on
their Mac/PC. Basically you load/receive single or whole banks from the AN1x
onto your computer. Check the files section (from the AN1x homepage at for AN1x Edit and 1000s of patches.

> And is everything set up so i just need to load
> songs from the sequencer and it will immediately pick the right
> patches from the an1x?

Pretty much. Expect the sequencer in theory only knows the patch number. If
you haven't loaded in the right bank or don't have the right patch assigned
to that patch number beforehand, the wrong sound will play. Sort of like
hitting the Channel 10 button on your TV except it's tuned into Channel 9.

You can also dump an entire bank (and possibly single patches too - can't
recall off the top of my head) into your sequencer and then play it back
before your song starts to return the patch info to the AN1x.

> -Do people generally have to "fiddle" a lot with their equipment when
> they switch between different saved songs, or can you work in an
> environment where songs are just fired up and played/edited.

With the AN1x' limited patch storage, it really depends whether you can keep
all your favourite patches in the same bank. Other synths have several banks
and so one's less likely to be chasing down patch dumps to set things up in
the synth before playing back the song.

> (i mean, i just have an an1x, but i guess some people here have whole
> rooms filled with freakin synths that are all linked together...? :)

Yes, but it could be worse. Anyone want to buy an AN1x... er, not now but
possibly later this year...

Hope that helps.
