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Subject: Re: [AN1x] Apple/Emagic Windows anti-discontinuation petition

From: terryfunken@...
Date: 2002-07-02

In a message dated 2/7/02 6:38:07 am, synth2k@... writes:

>We've started up a petition in regards to this
>announcement from Apple to discontinue Windows
>products from Emagic. For those of you that are
>current Emagic products/Logic Audio users based on the
>Windows/PC platform I encourage you to sign it. I have
>no idea if it will make a bit of difference but if we
>can get a bunch of names or replies logged to a
>petition maybe we can persuade them to reconsider.
I doubt this will make any difference whatsoever- sorry chaps!- Does anyone
remember signing the petition to send to Gibson??- I was one of those several
hundred people!
