Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list

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Subject: Re: [AN1x] synthesizer presets versus pianos

From: =?iso-8859-1?q?John=20Temprile?= <jtemprile@...>
Date: 2002-06-17

Sorry I know this is an AN1x group, but I have an A3000 and
yeah, the sampler is awesome - so feature packed! I use the
AN1x as my v-analog and main controller - a match made in


--- Ed Edwards <edward.edwards@...> wrote: > > I often
wished that some instrument designer would add some
> random
> > elements to their synthesizer so that everyone's keyboards
> would
> > sound subtly different. This is probably an utterly insane
> idea.
> Not at all. Yamaha took up your idea with the A3000 sampler
> (cs. 1997). Check
> this out from the manual:
> Pitch, Random 0-63
> Use this setting to impart a slight, random pitch variation to
> the sample's
> pitch. Set 0 to eliminate all random variation. Increase the
> value to produce
> a greater range of variation . Note that this variation is
> applied to each note
> at the start of its playback. This setting does not affect
> how pitch develops
> once the note has started playing.
> Cool, huh? I'd bet Roland and the others have caught on to
> this phunky
> phunction. I've been doing it for years (with varying
> success) by using the LFO
> wave set as random (or sample-hold or other jargon) and
> lightly applying it to
> pitch, volume, filtering, etc. The results have varied from
> pleasing to ugly.
> The AN1x can do a nice job of this if lightly applied to each
> oscillator with
> differing times and depths.
> Yamaha was trying to build a sampler for DJs and analog
> enthusiasts in the
> A3000. It's got some really strange stuff in the effects
> section. One amazing
> one is the "beat change" function which speeds or slows your
> loop in real time
> without damaging the tone of the original sample. Hole lotta
> fun!
> Ed Edwards
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