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Subject: Re: [AN1x] AN1X presets

From: "synth72" <synth72@...>
Date: 2002-06-14

I used to be very anti-preset, but I'm all for not letting spending
hours engineering patches interfere with writing material. If a sound
works for you, then use it. I'm willing to bet that a lot of us use
some sounds for our songs that are a few tweaks away from some
presets, anyway.



--- In AN1x-list@y..., Roland van Oorschot <rolando@w...> wrote:
> At 15:33 11-6-2002, you wrote:
> >What about presets, is it concidered lame to use them? Do most
> >producers (semiprofessionals included) out there use custom-made
> >sounds only?
> Of course not.
> That's the artistic freedom you have. If you found out that you
made a
> fantastic bassline or lead with one of the factory-presets it's
nothing to
> be shamed about.
> It's something what's done for years .
> A good example of 'over-used' presets are the sounds of the TB-303
or the
> TR-909 or the 'What the...' preset of the Roland Alpha Juno-2.
> And what to think of the good old piano sound?
> But creating new sounds can be fun too. I get my ideas when
tweaking the
> knobs of my synths.
> R.
> ---
> f:un[x]iun
> Electro, Techno and more ...
> ---