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Subject: Re: How the dcm.e)m Get Together is affecting me!!

From: "tompaulsen2002" <tompaulsen2002@...>
Date: 2002-06-11

--- In AN1x-list@y..., "Sayer" <Sayer@S...> wrote:
> Oh, I should have known..... I escaped from our visit to
Washington Music Center with a full wallet (I was the only one to do
> But, man did I love the interface of the OB12.... It sounded ok
(from what I could tell in the lousy store environment), but it sure
seemed fun to work with. So, should I replace my CS1x or AN1x with
it? I really don't have room for another set of keys after all. I'm
not convinced at this point.....

Then i would say, keep the AN1x, keep the CS1x and save up some more
money for the NordLead 3...i tried it two weeks ago and i am totally
in love now...;))) Best synth-interface ever! Compared with the
AN1x, the NL3 is a dream too use! The whole interface gives you
immediately always know, see, what's going on with
your sound. The only disadvantage is the high try it for
yourself and then start saving...but still keep the's a can make sounds on it, you won't be able to do with