At 15:33 11-6-2002, you wrote:
>What about presets, is it concidered lame to use them? Do most
>producers (semiprofessionals included) out there use custom-made
>sounds only?
Of course not.
That's the artistic freedom you have. If you found out that you made a
fantastic bassline or lead with one of the factory-presets it's nothing to
be shamed about.
It's something what's done for years .
A good example of 'over-used' presets are the sounds of the TB-303 or the
TR-909 or the 'What the...' preset of the Roland Alpha Juno-2.
And what to think of the good old piano sound?
But creating new sounds can be fun too. I get my ideas when tweaking the
knobs of my synths.
http://www.funxiun.comElectro, Techno and more ...