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Subject: Re: [AN1x] Sysex error messages

From: terryfunken@...
Date: 2002-05-27

In a message dated 27/5/02 2:40:46 am, accession@... writes:

>I can't recall your original post, but if it was Midiman related, did you
>approach their tech support? From my dealings with them in the past, they
>seem friendly enough, but I understand their Mac support trails far behind
>their PC support. Kinda like MOTU and Digidesign for PC.
Hi Phil,

Thanks for the text- although I think Jon has pretty much my mind to rest.

Midiman tech support?- all they ever do is to turn off the extensions NEEDED
by OS9 !!!!
- To be honest- the tech support for midiman in Blighty are very helpful-
they usually come up with the goods- but as Bruce and Jon point out, they're
really a PC company. ( I always have to phone back 'cos there is only one

I think one day I will get an MT4- for my Powerbook, but get an Opcode ST4 or
whatever- as recommended by Jon-for my beige G3 (and sooner rather than

Does anybody know about the MOTU micro express?- any good?

Cheers for ALL the help!
