Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list
Subject: Re: How do you use the step sequencer
From: "tuskermusic" <tuskerfort@...>
Date: 2002-05-22
Thanks so much for the advice about the step sequencer. I'll try them
out. I used the step sequencer for the first time in a jam session on
saturday with mixed results.
The drummer was clearly in awe of it, the bassist was disappointed
that I wasn't playing any notes. "So thats how they do techno" he
said in a disappointed fashion. "I thought they played all the
notes." Nevertheless everybody wanted to crowd round the synth and
fool around with knobs afterward. So the An1X clearly made friends,
though I am not sure if I did. :)
I think I was over playing (continuously sounding patterns), and at a
minimum, I need to learn to do tap-tempo to the drummer's tempo and
use short abrupt patterns so as not to dominate...... As well as
incorporate the advice you guys have given me.
I do wish they would have that musical way of tuning the sequencer
where you could hold down a knob and hit a key, instead of tuning
with the knob.
Thanks again,
PS: To those of you who have other VA synths with step sequencers...
are they easier to use or harder? more musical or less? Thx.