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Subject: AN1xEtidor and Cubase

From: "sharon_an1x" <panoman_@...>
Date: 2002-05-11

I'm a verry happy user of AN1x
And using this baby on every project
Some times i get stack (dont we all ) and trying to find some sounds
or drum that can help me to go on with the track.
I'm a cubase user also so my quition is this:

How can I run cubase and an1x edit on same computer but many not on
same time?

I mean when i use a FM7 for instant i can load any back of this
instrument and use it,I want to do the same with the AN1x.

I midi is 16mpu-104 that come with the Elite mother board
If i need to buy some promidi i would like to know about that too

My second problem is that i cant upload voices to the AN1xeditor
What the problem with that ?

Thanks in advance
