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Subject: Re: [AN1x] re: ring modulator

From: terryfunken@...
Date: 2002-05-08

In a message dated 8/5/02 7:22:20 pm, bruce@... writes:

>No, but I've archived a lot of Hammond-Organ-related information on my
>PC, and I have a good memory for what is where! The information actually
>comes from Harvey Olsen, who is one of the leading "experts" on Hammond
>lore, and a friend of Mr. Leslie. He published a couple of articles on
>Leslie trivia, including the production date of the first Leslie Speaker.
Time for some more nerd info from me....being a lover of leslie speakers (i
haven't actually got one- my partner would have a heart attack if I would
bring one into the house!)- Apart from all the usual Pink Floyd and Tangerine
Dream sounds- check out "Cluster II"- I think it's still availible on CD-
with no less than 10 leslie's all going at once at different speeds- THAT'S
Psychedelia for you!! where's my dp/2......?