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Subject: Re: [AN1x] re: ring modulator

From: "tuskermusic" <tuskerfort@...>
Date: 2002-05-06

.... one of my signiture sounds was created using the AN ringmod-
very radiophonic- especially in the lower regions.......

Hmmh, It's funny how talking about sounds makes you feel like
tweaking. My AN1X is not with me at the moment though. :(

Your expression radiophonic, made me wonder what would happen if I
put a couple of sine waves through the ring modulator, with the pitch
of one of them being controlled by the X ribbon, or a S/H lfo.......?

Something to look forward to. :)

One of the other things I noticed... (Not disputing that the AN1X
Ring mode is a little more clinical & precise than many analog ones)
is that if you pass the oscillators through with the same pitch (no
detuning), they seem to have a slightly looser pitch coming through
the ring mod, then they do plain. So I think of it as a way to add
that analog osc drift feeling, which I wish they had modelled better
in the AN1X.

Drifting off topic... I reckon most of the VA's do a good job with
monophonic and single oscillator emulations. They just don't seem to
capture how oscillators and sounds interact... yet.
