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Subject: Re: [AN1x] re: ring modulator

From: terryfunken@...
Date: 2002-05-06

In a message dated 5/5/02 8:50:19 pm, alciere@... writes:

>Even if you use the ring modulator correctly, it doesn't have the
>wild distorted out of tune craziness that a standalone analog ring
>modulator has. Probably the AN1X's is more useful, I don't know.

All ringmods seem to sound different- one of my signiture sounds was created
using the AN ringmod- very radiophonic- especially in the lower regions. My
favourite RM comes with both the EMS VCS3 and the Korg MS50 (same chip)- but
unfortunately these models are silly money now (however the chip is still
avaliable and costs a mere £2- what is this world coming to??- The ring mod
in the Nord Modular SUCKS!!!- so sorry for being a little vague- I've just
woken up- but I do like RM's....ho hum......!
