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Subject: Re: ring mod ???

From: "jondl_2000" <jondl_2000@...>
Date: 2002-05-04

--- In AN1x-list@y..., Jaun Manuek <jaunmanuek@y...> wrote:
> Hi,
> I really like my AN1x, but i'm feeling suspicious about it.
> The ring mod feature feels too "light" to my understanding.
> Consider reset PRG 130 to 1:Normal and both oscillators
> using the same levels and SAW wave.
> Shouldn't it freak out when setting it's ring mod to max ?
> I can only hear a slight increase of volume !
> What do you think ?

I think your test scenario is incomplete. Read the description on
p. 66 of the manual. 'The Ring Modulator combines the VCO1
and VCO2 signlas and outputs the sums and differences of the
frequency components of both inputs.' 1st of all - using the init
Normal preset provides you w/ two osc set to Saw with only a
minor differences in the Edge param. 2nd, if you check under
Mix/VCF you'll see that VCO2 Level is set to '0' - so, your ears are
not miseleading you. There is nothing to sum and output from
the preset you are using...

I suggest you alter the Pitch settings for each OSC, alter the
Edge settings and alter the Waveform selections - you'll hear a
more substantial change in timbre.

> How do I figure out what OS is it using ?

Hold down the buttons '0', '-', and '+' while powering on the AN1x
to display the OS version.

> Thanks a lot,
> juanma

