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Subject: Re: AN1x Jetsonic Logic Environments?

From: "jondl_2000" <jondl_2000@...>
Date: 2002-05-04

--- In AN1x-list@y..., "thestudiolife" <dreinstein@e...> wrote:
> Thanks for your response Jon. I have done what you
recommended and
> now I can at least hear that I am changing an effect- I'm past
> one!

That's great!

> But it doesn't seem like I am able to choose any effect.
> Every time that I select an effect by clicking on one of the
> underneath the effect parameter strips and I hold a note on the
> An1x, I hear I pause in the audio (like when switching

If you change effect types while playing yes, there will be an
audible pop, or pause, in the sound during playback. This is a
common design limitation of many synths - an the AN1x is no
exception. Not many synths allow you to change patches or effect
in real time without some audible interuption to the sound
output. Those that do offer a work around to this common
request typically do so at a signficant cost increase over the
MSRP of the AN1x.

> but I am still only able to get one effect. It is a chorus like
> effect. Are each of the faders strips like presets, and the effect
> can be chosen at the bottom by scrolling to the the name of the
> effect that I want?

It's exactly as you describe - each 'channel strip' is a an AN1x
Effect Preset - just click the button underneath the 'channel strip'
of the Effect you want to enable. You may then use the 'knobs' on
the 'channel strip' for the effect to alter the equivalent parameters
for that effect on the AN1x.

If you are uncertain whether the correct message are getting
through I suggest the following:

1.Double check the Port and Channel settings for your AN1x
object, and it's sub-channels, in your Environment. Are they
2. If you select the Vari EF/EQ param on your AN1x under
Voice/Common you can see the effect selection change when
commands are issued from Logic.
3. If all else fails - place a Monitor in between the output of the
Vari layer and your An1x object to see what messages ARE
getting through...

> Am I supposed to be able to choose an effect on
> the bottom of the screen and hear the results?


> Are there any
> parameters to change in the AN1x?


> Thanks again.

Hope this helps.

I suggest you spend some time reading Ch. 5 of the Logic
manual and download the FREE environment tutorials (PDFs)
from so that you may become more familar with
the environement and its workings.

